Blood Donation :D

I have just done a blood donation today! Never imagined I will ever dare to sleep on that bed to have my blood donated since I am kinda scared of blood and injuries. :p

It was happened to be like 2 of my hostel friends wanna do blood donation and they ask me to go with them. That time I was not going to donate my blood but just accompany them there. And when they were registering at the counter, my friend kept asking me to donate my blood too and so, I don't know where comes my braveness, I sat down and told a guy I wanna register it.

My another friend who was not going to donate blood was so surprised for my decision, but she doesn't brave enough to donate blood at last.

When I finished all the checking and stuff, frankly, I regretted when I was lying down on the bed. The feel is so terrible especially when you see other people doing the injection... Ew... Oh, and my blood type is AB+! :D

When it is my turn to donate blood, I did not dare to look at the nurse. It feels so scary just like I am going to do operation! lol! But after awhile, I felt it does not really pain then I started to chat and joke with my friend who is next to my bed.

After we have done the blood donation, my friend fainted!!! Omg!! It's scaring me!! I think it is because a nurse kept on asking us to leave the bed after it done. Ew. How rude. Other volunteers asked us to lay for a longer time to let our body get used with the latest blood pressure.

And for your information, I got to know all the volunteers in that blood donation because my friend fainted two times!! LOL! They are quite friendly and funny after all. Especially an uncle tried to mix with us by telling cold jokes! Hahaha. A lady even offered us to go back by her car. She is so nice =)

It is quite meaningful to do blood donation actually. I think I will do it again to save more people. =)

*Ew, my blood is so selfish D:


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