Back in Hometown

Back in Hometown, Kemaman..

Today is the sixth day im here. Day after tomorrow, it would be my day to leave. It's like... Just in a clip of my eyes. Days flied.

I thought of doing so many things here, I thought of meeting so many friends, but seems like they are all my imaginatios. I just meet a few of them, i forgot to do so many stuff. Im getting lazier, im getting slower, im getting more unfamiliar with things happened here.

Sad. :(

I haven't go to the beach.
I haven't eat rojak.
I haven't eat AiMeiJie curry mee.
I haven't take photos.
I haven't visit Kemaman Museum.
I haven't go Fojiaohui.

But, im glad that im back in here to meet my parents.
At least i meet Thinthin, Weichiann, Meiteng.
I had AhYap curry mee as my breakfast.
I went Air Jernih and MesraMall.
I used the abondoned new blanket I bought last time.
I post something on Ufaqiao.

Contradicting eh? I miss you badly.

And please post me some postcards. :p
And to your parents too. They will be glad. :)

That's all from me! Enjoy your life there!
Leave no regret! :)



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