In Time, a movie that describe Time is everything to live on in life. It is written and directed by Andrew Niccol, starring by Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried and Cilian Murphy.
This is an interesting movie that I watched last week, it has the special way to tell people a story about how powerful is time. We all know that time is important and we cannot buy it back even how rich we are. In this show, you can earn the time back. When you are born, you will have free 25 years time. The time is on your hand and keep counting backwards, remind you how much time left. You will stop aging after 25, but you have to work hard to earn your Time after 25 if you don't want to die. Unless you are from family that is wealthy of time. Therefore, the rich one can live forever, the poor one die young.
In real life, we pay everything by earning money and get what we want. However, in "In time", time can pay for anything you want, as long as you have plenty of time. Even if you go on a bus, it charge from the time you have, it is like take away your 1 hours life time to sit bus. If you stay in the hotel, they take 2 years of your time. It is so scary if you are run out of time, you may die if the time on your hand drops to zero. People can also share time in "In Time". The most memorable part is the lead character Will Sales (Justin Timeberlake) mother share him 40 minutes to have lunch. But in the end because the mother run out of time and he late for less than 5 seconds to share her time, she dead.
In time is an excellent movie, after watch this you will get anxious that you probably "time out" anytime. Now, keep running before your times up.
Watch it if you have a chance. ;)
Official In Time Trailer