6 days to go =D

Going to start my uni life soon! So soon! In less than a week!

Lots of Kemaman-ians left. And it's my turn now. I could hardly feel I'm going to leave until I looked at the calendar. Eww. Time is running, day and night, with no rest. Now it's 27th of June, and I'll start my school on the 3rd of July!!

I was so busy in the last week. Had cop sign a lot of cert photostatted copies, and went for some education loan applications, had opened a few bank accounts, online apply for lots of stuff, bought lots of things. And now, started to pack my luggage. I feel like I will forgot to bring a lot of stuff, since I have no idea what should I bring.

Erm, clothes? Towel? Shampoo? Comb? Charger? Shoes? Certs? Stationary? Laptop? Purse? Bags? What else?

Should I bring my lovely piggybank?? =x

Eww, feel like I will not go back home for years. Yet my first holiday will be in September!! Yay!!

somebody: U think of holiday before you start your uni ==

I wish everything will go smooth! Good luck!

And I will miss U Tan7yin!!! <3



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